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Watch and Listen to Citizens, Civic Leaders and other Respected Individuals talk about the Leadership and Accomplishments of Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Spotlight: HBA leaders talk about Neighborhood Development - Part One

Of course, we all know the home building industry is taking a hit now in the current economy. But as Tony Crasi, President of the Home Builders Association, and Carmine Torio, the group's Executive VP point out, creative and committed leadership can find ways to make development happen--even in tough times. In this video, both men discuss the Mayor's determination to improve housing and build neighborhoods, as well as his ability to bring various groups together to exchange ideas.

In noting the Mayor's critical role in consensus-building, Crasi and Torio detail their first-hand experience of his openness and willingness to explain his decisions. They also point out that despite claims to the contrary, the city's efforts to develop Akron's neighborhoods and improve housing have matched efforts directed toward downtown, and that there has been a healthy balance overall.